Let us help you find your way to the market

Parking is very limited

That is why we have options for you!

Parking Map


Take advantage of our free Park-N-Ride, located at the St. Albert Centre Bus Exchange

The pick-up location has been changed to Muir Drive and will go back to the main bus station on August 25th.

CLICK HERE for more information of the Park-N-Ride location

Important Information:

  • The Park & Ride runs from 9:40am to 3:20pm every 20 minutes

  • Pick up location is on Muir Drive, drop-off location is on Perron Street, in-front of DJ’s Lounge

  • There is no cost to parking or using the Park & Ride

The St. Albert Farmers’ Market is not liable for any damaged, stolen, or lost property while attending the market. By using the Park & Ride service, you acknowledge and accept that the St. Albert Farmers’ Market holds no responsibility for any property-related issues that may occur.

Park your bike for free

We're excited to announce that we've partnered with Cranky's Bike Shop to offer free bike parking once again!

When: Saturdays, 10 am - 2:30 pm
Where: Right in front of Cranky's Bike Shop, on the street

Ride your bike to the market, go shop and support local while we take care of your bike!